keep The shelves stocked? Its not hard I promise! How else do you expect to get your tiny weekly check? Keep this up and we the people will have to just shop else where. Honestly its just embarrassing and you should all be ashamed.
Y'all need to find ways to curb people from doing this. For almost a whole year we've had the national public programmed into believing it's the end of the world, and everytime there's yet another BS announcement re. 'Tier (what ever number) Lockdown', these human pigs stampede the stores and clean o...
Ours is the first. She just hires any one off the street. I doubt she even does back ground checks on these people. Some of these new hires look strung out on meth some are just dirty and others cant even read or spell their name.. the other day she hired this gay black person who was always looking at others...
....not the blue one. Our FES that was on duty today said "oh you don't want to wear something that has Kroger's values on it?" I snapped back that I didn't want someone else's political opinions shoved down my throat. Kroger is getting ridiculous.
How are the stores going to stay full, if the warehouses don't have the product? I mean the cereal, baking, and paper aisles haven't been full in 6 months. 3rd shift stockers don't have time to fill the shelves because they have to stop and codition all the aisles. Day shift doesnt condition at all, they...
Stop harassing us over little details and back off b-itches. There's more to this world than bitching over money. Don't drag us down with you little mean s.o.b's.
I'm on cart duty one mid-morning and everything is going fine. I get to the last cart load. The carts are strapped and ratcheted up for transport. And it's a slightly overfull load. I back it out just enough from the corral to turn it around. I grab a couple of the small carts to take along with the load. I tu...
I had a cough, upset stomach, and soar throat. They told me to get a COVID test. The test results are backed up for days. So, I haven't been able to work all week. I still have all 3 of my personal days, because the manager denies those when you request them. Am I able to use them all 3 for this week that I missed...
Man I worked my ass off and for a weeks worth of pay my check is TINY! How can we survive on these scraps? I heard Kroger paid their people top dollar but if this is their idea of top dollar pay well I want a raise!
I have 1 whole week of vacation to take, do I have to take it before the end of this year? Does it expire? My original vacation plans have been derailed due to the pandemic, so I wanted to take it next year instead, hopefully if things get better.
Its winter any way who wants to go out and freeze shopping around all the infected? Stock up on food and supplies so not only are you prepared but you have more time for yourself especially by doing online shopping. And make sure you really stock up on all the crab legs before the blacks peoples by them all...
It's really sad. Has anyone else really been paying attention to what has happened to this "Kroger Employee Forum" in the last couple years, and especially in the past few months? 90% (if not more) of the posts started by someone with a legitimate question, observation, or complaint gets hijacked a...
Lately my store has had complaints of people not wearing masks. Only to find out the individual filing the complaint has a dipper chin mask or has their nose hanging out of it like a di-ck and won't wear it properly half the time and not at all the other half of the time. yea thanks @$$ holes. B-itches
In the middle of last month our manager gathered the deli employees up and gave us a speech about how this is going to be the busiest Thanksgiving dinner ever because no one is traveling and everyone is staying home to make Thanksgiving dinner for themselves. Our walk in cooler is crammed wall to wall wi...
Yea it's round two of people being @$$ holes during lock down. Mass panic buying again with people being di-cks to one another. As a side note: I lost total respect for old people this year. I thank the 10% that are nice and never let the bitter enter but I'm done with old people! What is your world so misera...
Lotta pussies on this here forum. Hero pay when? Union is bad bad. And you racists crackers needa chill ulright? sany no to food stamps And crab feet. Slap customers too.! Thank ya