I am going to begin my second job in January but because my new employer is on winter break I don't know exactly when I will start. Currently I work at a Houston-area Kroger as a courtesy clerk and I would like to know which of the 3 options I should take: 1. Quit 2. Transfer to a store closer to home 3. Ask for r...
Sorry but I need to vent a little bit! I go into work in the deli Thursday morning and just before I go to the time clock to clock in, the power goes out. Stays out for over an hour so we have to cover the cases and tell the stupid customers that we can't slice them anything because our slicers have no power a...
I went on one interview with this company and was told I would have a second Formal interview and have to wait 6 weeks for a background check (Pharm. Tech Position). Well the Pharmacy manager did leave a voice mail trying to arrange an interview. I called him back the next day and also twice afterwards (t...
Does anyone know how to get your W2 electronically before they mail them out? I usually get mine in the mail at the end of January. Is there a way to get your Kroger W2 faster?? Thanks
How long does it take for a raise to take effect? I'm a pharm tech that passed my cert test over a month ago. I still haven't gotten my $2 an hour raise!
they want us to stand at the back with the portable and direct customers to different units. they want us to watch the lines at registers and grab people with carts of groceries and scan for them if the registers have more than 1+1. they want us to "fluff" customers err bags. they want us to wat...
Why are holiday hours always so sketchy?
You would think they would need me more around holidays,but they cut my hours in half.
Is there some unspoken policy Im missing here?
i wish jon flora would really take a look at the the so called "family" that maria fernandez at store 126 is falsely trying to charade the coorporate office higher ups with..The only family are the few buddies of hers that she chooses and the rest of the employees who are non hispanic are co...
Our bakery used to close at 8, which is why they put me there. My available hours when I was hired were 8 am to 8 pm, so it worked perfectly. Well they decided that from now on they're going to be open til 10 and they started scheduling me that way. I told them I couldn't stay til 10 pm and that it conflicted w...
I am sorry you have such an insecure uneducated manager. Unfortunatley kroger does not give then any Phsycological testing of people skills before putting them in people positions. document everything she says with date and time . always have wittnesses if you can and everyone needs to step up and...
For those of you who think 9.75 a week in union dues are to much , think again. believe it or not we do make more than alot of other grocery stores and last time i checked our insurance is damn good. GM workers pay alot more than we do in union dues and believe it or not we have better medical right now. Also, whi...
Such a shame to put customers last instead of first. 20 years ago Kroger harped on us the 4 points of customer service, had meetings about customer service, had to work overtime to take care of customers.....but NOW.....none of that!! It's all about wages and trying to get blood out of employees. I...
I had to open one day and as I was getting the carts in I noticed someone pull in and park halfway over the center line. The lady went inside and I figured no big deal since it was early in the morning. Five minutes later another customer pulls in and parks right in front of the other car. So his car is stuck hal...
For years we have been getting these coupons for 30% off Kroger brand products around Christmas. We would get them for other holidays as well. This year Bob Moeder of the Central division apparently wants to mix it up and not let us expect these coupons. The last one we received was prior to Halloween, s...
I have a warning for everyone about the new requirements for the Health Plan for 2013. We were required to submit our own health screening this year. You will automatically be enrolled in Plan 3 if it was not submitted. There is an appeals process that you can go through to get to Plan 1 if you have comp...