yeah, silly question, but serious, there is a difference between not liking the place, and hating it. when did you start to hate it ? how bad do you hate it now ? i actually LIKED kroger the first 5 years or so. next five, went steady down hill, but it diddn;t get to hate untill my last 3 years. three years is a...
Worked from 10 last night until 6 this morning and now I have to pull my big girl pants up and work from 2 until 10. Just aggravated. Feeling exhausted after unsuccessfully trying my very best to go to sleep at a time which I am not accustomed. This will not be a fun day.
Seriously, I know this isn't an impo...
we have a new hire in my store he has been here over a year and never speaks to anybody just shakes his head yes or no never a word. often catch him reading gun magizines very creepy werid feeling i get around him.........last night me and three other co workers were on break outside the store he comes runni...
I am an ex employee and my dad is a assistant dairy manager! He requested vacation but has not been allowed to take any vacation and is FORCED to take just paid time without time off! They say they cannot afford for him to take vacation. He is NOT in the Union and is afraid of retaliation if he speaks out! I wa...
I have been working at Kroger for almost 9 years when suddenly I had my hours cut so much that I was reduced to part time status. I was at top pay, but now I make a little over $9 an hour now. I can barely afford to live as I am now being forced to borrow and take money from other people in order to pay my bills and li...
When you guys have food served to you in the breakroom, please take the leftovers and put them in the fridge. It's really depressing to see 6 hour old hamburgers and frenchfries go to waste. Sincerely, the hungry night crew
Listen. Your manager needs to get over himself. I came for the full time. I don't need to be talked down to, I don't need you to be a passive aggressive crybaby because of the fact you made a bad career choice and now hate everyday you have to be there. I don't need you to complain that I show up in the grace per...
this is just a little something I came up with to compare working with raising a child. When hired you spend the first two years trying to learn the company directions, issues and policies so that one can be a long term happy employee of the company. #! Then you hit the terrible twos`s where you become a te...
hi, everyone in krogerl land. two days agoe at my store one of our cashiers severely cut her fingur on the register belt due to faultey equipment. manager took her to clinic and was given many, many stiches and then brought back to work to finish her shift.after coming back she slipped on floor and was kn...
I know many of you have that stupid donut program in your stores: 1 dozen glazed mini donuts for $3.99. We've been doing a case a day which makes about 8 dozen. The only time we sell any is when we mark them down half price. The most any store in the division has sold in one week is three dozen. Last wee...
What is the Kroger policy on the music that is allowed to be played in our stores? We're playing Christmas music, but not allowed to tell customers "Merry Christmas." How are they allowed to play Christmas music such as "Silent Night" and "Feliz Navidad" throughou...
I've been working at my store for almost 6 months and have no had problems with scheduling so far until we recieved a new manager. Since then I have always had issues. I will constantly be scheduled when I cannot work. When I was hired I told them and it is on recond that I am a student and that these are my ava...
So ive been working for the Kroger co. for 7 months. Thats more than enough time to be in the union, so ive been paying my union dues just as much as everyone els who works there does. Long story short im almost 19 years old in exactly one week but ive had back problems since I was about 13.I havent had any flar...
At my store hours have been cut drastically this week. The two previous weeks included two visits from company VP's and now that they are gone we get nothing. I worked in the deli today and not only were the opener and myself scheduled 2 1/2 hours apart to begin with, Our chicken person called in 15 minu...
Hi everyone, I've worked at Kroger for about 6 years now. I'm 7 months pregnant and was just put on bed rest so I can't return to work until after the baby is born. I'm not sure what my next step needs to be as far as getting paid medical leave, and the person that deals in this stuff at my Kroger doesn't seem to...
Really!!!! My floral manager is over the top. She has a daily list and most days has extras but do I really need to dust the table and sign bottoms daily?
About five or six years ago I saved a ferral cat in my store. It was in the store for about two weeks, I was working on the night crew stocking and the first time I saw the cat it was running around in the Deli. Nobody could catch it, and one night it ran past me and jumped under an isle end cap, so I made my move a...
I was told recently about something that goes on in negotiation meetings and I thought this was very interesting. In the meetings apparently the said human resources personnel representing Kroger will step outside of the meeting with one of the lead negotiations for the union and talk outside the m...