Seems that there are a lot of employees that just gets fed up with Kroger this and Kroger that . Comes to the point that they just want to quit, get fired or make their selves pissed off and miserable along with those around them. Keep hearing there is nothing I can do and screw it all. But what one little b...
This truly is a scientific study in Kroger sociology. Let me make this very clear. If you resond to this post, you are retarded. I did this once before and whaddya know? Some knuckle-dragger actually resoponded, proving that there are retards reading this forum. So let's try it again. IF YOU RESPOND T...
I have to apply for a new card, and get the old one de-activated...get my old points and employee discount transferred over. What is the procedure for this...and how long does it all take? Steve
Something on a more lite note. What are some of the other stores doing for a christmas party this year.? I'm a little disappointed in our store. They're having it at Legends Restaurant and it'll cost $12.99 for 2 people to eat but doesn't include drink. I've never been to a store christmas party where yo...
what is the old saying, it will end, not with a bang, but with a whimper? guess thats how my kroger story ends, 12 years, flushed down the toilet, the union isn't even pretending anymore, i don't hear from them ,they won't return calls. i just don't know what to do at this point. i havn't been able to find an...
At the store I'm at now ( in the deli department), I was told that we were to go by the schedule in the deparment not the one near the office. Which is true? The one in the deli is handwritten and gets changed alot with out us being informed all the time. I was 1 1/2 hours late by the deli schedule one day but t...
Right now I'm listening to Rage Against The Barney and Barney in Chains. Thinkin' about adding some Barnthrax into the mix. Also a question: What ers of Van Kroger do you like better? The Barney Hagar era or Barney Lee Roth?
Anyone, including me, that posts on this message board is a complete retard. You are f$&#ing retarded, each and every one of you. If you are reading this, you have an extra chromosome. If you choose to respond to this post, that is a clear indication that you are a drooling mongloid. However, if yo...
Those scan guns that the DSD receivers use are horrible. It takes 29 keystrokes to sign th thing on. On average I have to do this 15 times daily. DO THE MATH. If i lay the gun down to do something,maybe bathroom, break, help a custmer, say maybe 5 minutes, the gun has to be signed on again. You also m...
so apparently my new manager, the wackjob he his, says that if we don't take our vacation/personal days during the year then that extra pay is gone! PLUS, they are making everyone not have overtime, well I look every week and notice that the ones getting OVERTIME are the ones NOT DOING ANYTHING! produc...
i work at kroger but yesterday i didn't in to work and didn't call. The reason is i misread my schedule and didn't know i had work. I know, stupid. Anyways i went to work today but nobody mentioned it to me and i didn't mention it. I'm almost certain i'll be fired because i haven't been working there for long...
I hurt my ankle on November 8th and called in. After a few days I went to get my paycheck on crutches and my manager told me I would need a doctors note to return. My job can not be performed on cruyches. I gave them the note on December 3rd and they are hassling me about writing personal statements to send to...
I should preface this rant with the fact that I have nothing personally against the union. I imagine that they have their uses, and do indeed serve a purpose when a legitimate need arises. I work in a smaller store unit where two of the other gals I work with will either A. run to management or B. call the u...
My question to you is why do the customers with their loyalty coupons get free items and the associates do not with theirs?and why do we have to raise money for a Christmas party and then have to pay $15 per ticket, $5 for door prizes, AND pay for drinks when the managers have meetings they get catered lunc...