I would like to rant on this cashier preformance bull****. they have started. I dont think its far they get paid to their job. Corporate needs to wake up and smell the coffee.
I've been a sacker at Kroger for a little over a year now and like my job. I get along pretty well with everyone there except for this one woman. She's the type who pretends she likes you but you can tell she can't stand you. Passive aggresive comes to mind. She also has an air of superiority and gets away wi...
I saw our most recent mystery shopper report and I was the one noted in the deli part of the report. While I got yes on all the things listed on their report, they listed me as 5-4' to 5-6'. I'm actually 5-9'. No problem hard to tell by looking but they listed me as 55. I'm nowhere near 55. My mother is 55 fo...
I have been working at kroger on 3rd shift for about 3 weeks now and i am still not used to the hours. I have only been awake today for about 5 hours and i feel like i have been awake for 12. My body always feels tired and wore down and my muscles stay sore. How did you other 3rd shifters get used to it? I figured i w...
And, no, it's not me. This girl I work with has been with Koroger since 2007, she works very hard and pretty much knows how to do everything in the department (Drug/GM). One of the section heads in the department is leaving to go back to school elsewhere, so his spot is going to be filled. She deserves this...
are the chef's assistants part of the deli staff? there is a remodeled store opening up next week that i am transferring to. i pretty much jumped thru a lot of hoops to go there. as far as seniority goes, i think i look pretty good. i won't be the early people - getting there at 7 am - which is perfectly fin...
Good morning all,
I'm thinking about pursuing a career with Kroger as a Co manager. I'm trying to find out the cost for health benefits for non union management, as well as the paid time off schedule ( how much time after how many years, any floating holidays, etc.)
Also, are there any stock options...
Hello fellow Kroger peeps! I am wondering why I should seek a management postion. I have multiple degrees which I have used to expand other company's revenue streams. I have worked in various positions that have allowed me to see, and understand, the big picture. My skillset, and personal abiliti...
I am a new employee with krogers but I am looking into transfering because I am moving to a different city for school so I was wondering how long I have to wait before I can transfer
I just thought I throw this one out and see what you think since a fellow co-worker hasn't come on yet to do it. Even though he's the one who thought of it. Anyway a new name for Best Practices could be Worst Practices. They sure as hell ain't made anything better.
We are getting just to rows of our freezers replaced by newer freezers from a different store. After pulling product, customers are bitching non stop about not having what they want. You can live without your stupid ice cream for a few days! Get over it! Also, these cases were used by a previous store t...
OK, I've just 'bout had my fill of this particular one. The store I shop at on over nights is all self-check--which is fine, I can service myself in the wee hours of the morn. But this chick presides over the operation, fat, bloated and nasty like Jabba the Hut. And ANYTHING you might need help with causes...
Can any1 tell me about breaks and the max hours u have to work every day and if thy ever make u work 7 days. or anything else u kno about working here.
If you currently work in a supermarket or grocery store in California you can fill out the Grocery Worker Survey at http://YourBreadAndButter.com/feedback to be entered in a WEEKLY drawing for a chance to win $100 worth of groceries! There are some rules for the survey, some of which are you have to b...
Cognative dissonance: example....management says "Key Refailing is good & it works". Meanwhile all the evidence is to the contrary, but management ignores the evidence and sticks to it's illusion, forcing all it's employees to conform, and everyone but management sees that it i...
We have a Marketplace opening Thur in our town which I was excited about except now comments from the zone manager and others are being made about only the best of the best are there. They were givin 3 complete uniforms and the night before opening no one can go but those employees at that store and employ...