One day at Kroger I just got off an 8 hour shift and not long after I get off I get a call from one of the managers. He wanted me to work the next day and I tried to tell him I had plans which luckily I was able to reschedule. He didn't listen to me and says "I'm not gonna keep calling you if you're just gonna ke...
Has anyone else received this letter from the company stating that we basically can not speak freely online of our activities at work? I find it both humorous and disheartening that my employer is so insecure of their own image that they must threaten their own employees with punishment for speaking...
In our City market store members of management have been getting away with stuff for a long time. First a sexual harrasment just goes away because a dept manager wants to cover for someone and now an assistant deli chef ( that's funny) transferred her shrink to the salad bar so it would look li...
I just had my first assessment the other day and I was wondering... is it even possible to get a "4" on any of their catagories without being completely brainwashed or kiss ass? My overall score was, like, 2.7. Apparently, they think my people skills, persuasiveness, and "faith in th...
I have worked for kroger for going on 2.5 years. I have worked at several diffrent stores and have done very well at all of them. I started off as a deli employee and for about 2.5 years I have been a chef's assistant. I moved back to my hometown and was transfered to the first store that I ever worked at. I wa...
think about it realistically: they pay someone (lord knows how much) to sit up there and catch thieves when a lot of times the $ amount lost by thieves doesn't add up to what the company pays the security guys... seems like a lost cause to me, but hey who am i to criticize a company that throws money away o...
Why are schedules made out for a week at a time? It makes more sense to make them out for at least two weeks at a time. Everyone would have more time to make plans and ask for certain days off. Ive asked management before and of course no one has a clue, but when do they ever?
I'm in Delta Div. and was informed by a very reliable source of a long term employee that had the amount of his pension greatly reduced for not being a union member!It was explained to him that the union makes pension deposits along with Kroger contributions.If this is true,it should be disclosed in wr...
This past summer, our union contract was up and got a new one voted in. Fine. But the problem is, there is this older cashier (probably 63,64 y.o.) who has worked for kroger for over 30 years. She didn't get to vote and didn't get to see the new union contract because she was out of town. The new union contra...
Got an e-mail posted at our sco station a few days ago about a scam that's going around.people have those apps on their cell phones to put barcodes for store cards, and i guesshave been putting merchandise barcodes (like cheap meat) and scan it then put a steak down in the bag instead. then sco cashiers a...
a lot of people think certain jobs are "easy" but until they've worked them they really can't say for sure. In my case, DSD receiver, I do much more than you actuallly see. here's a quick list of my morning: *up before 5am, clock in at 6 *do shelf review, return to dock to find 2 vendors and a pe...
Has this program helped anyone do their job more effectively? I personally think it has caused many good workers to go elsewhere. The amount of paper kroger waste as a company with this program is insane. Kroger from my research is doing well this year in the stock market. Kroger would claim it is becau...
What is this job? I have wonder for some time and cant seem to get a answer that makes sence. She sits on her butt all day checking company Emails over and over.Files bills that have been ran through the backdoor and thur passes out the checks. what am I missing? If we are backed up upfront she wont even co...
There is so much drama because of vacation. People change their vacation just to bumb others vacation. There is so much fighting going on and it is so stupid. Is this just our store or is it every store?
first a girl was fired for selling cigarettes to a 29 year old girl because she looked under 27. that set it off.
few days later my coworker friend wanted to switch shifts for that day. i agreed. managment did not. said i wasnt good at clearing the lot at night. which is bull**** cause they always make me c...
Our store has recently started having all front end associates wear a tag below the name badge with "Ask me about: My dog" or something to that effect. A list was actually started by the time clock and there were some pretty good suggestions written down. "Ask me about: Key Retailin...
Before key retailing started, people would fight for department head positions and backup positions. Now they're lucky if one person puts in for such a position. What happens if a department head or backup position opens up and no one wants it?